Saturday, June 5, 2010

Quote of the Day


None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


The whisper that Ralph Waldo Emerson speaks of is the whisper of our intuition and guidance from the Divine. Accomplishing something excellent doesn’t mean something spectacular or grand, it means accomplishing our own life’s purpose which is completely unique to each one of us.



Thursday, June 3, 2010

Free Online Oracle Card Reading by Dr. Steven Farmer

animalcoveroraclecardsI found an excellent online oracle card reading offered on Dr. Steven Farmer’s website. Dr. Farmer is the author of the oracle cards Earth Magic and Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides. The free online oracle card reading is using his Messages from  your Animal Spirit Guides.

In addition to the free online oracle card reading, he also offers an iPhone App and Free Meditation Download. Dr. Farmer sells the cards on his website at a very reasonable price and signed and personalized by Dr. Farmer himself.

If you love animal totems and guides as I do, you'll love this site!

Follow the below link to Dr. Farmer’s website:

Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides Free Online Oracle Reading
